The Order of the 9 Angles: Vindex
This video explains visually and without doubt the concept of “Vindex” and the importance of reaching “the new Aeon” , which is pivotal to understand the 09A ideology.
I would say Vindex is similar to the concept of the Anti-Christ (it opposes the “status quo”; it is a regeneration and purifying force) ; Vindex is "an Avenger" (male or female) who, by actions, brings-into-being a new way of life and who defeats, through force and violence, those forces which represent the dishonour and tyranny which rule the modern/western world. The main opponent of Vindex is the Magian.
The Vindex ethos promotes:
(1) the way of tribes and clans against the abstraction of the nation- State; and
(2) the law of honour in place of the laws made by governments.