Hidden in plain sight: A.L.

The following video is just an example of a very successful propaganda site which has 50.500 subscribers on YouTube. In this site, the past is idealised and seen as legitimising a wonderful future that must be implemented in a present that is lived as a time of crisis and decadence.

The videos, writings, symbols and the manipulation of images made mythical are used as an instrument of mobilisation and action. These ideas (as also explained by the calendar uploaded earlier) are the strong base of a “religion of death” and exemplary deaths identified as martyrdom. It is a language based on "ideas without words" ; symbols capable of expressing action, gestures and rituals, through words highly spiritual such as Tradition, Blood, Race, Liberation, Nation, Sacrifice...


Martyrdom & Belonging: A current European Political Soldier’s Calendar


Sport, Radicalization and Violent Extremism