Hidden in plain sight: Jews Rip
Terrorism has always found new opportunities in times of crisis to promote its aims. While in recent months, the pandemic has halted most of the world's activities, it has not stopped extremism and terrorism. Indeed during this period, extremist groups have intensified their activities in Internet, seeing the global emergency as a new opportunity not to be missed and an occasion to promote prejudices and fears towards minorities especially against the Jewish community.
To avoid being monitored and to use the ‘unsafe’ Telegram , groups are using technology to hide in plain sight. The most used tool is ELEMENT. ELEMENT is a new type of messaging app. Users choose where their messages are stored, putting them in control of their data. ELEMENT gives access to the Matrix open network, so users can talk to anyone. ELEMENT also provides a new level of security, adding cross-signed device verification to default end-to-end encryption.